SLDNX: What’s going on in the world of PT: Well, I am back up in AK taking a little time off. This past season was one of my busiest by far and it’s been great to get home for a bit, heal up all the seasons’ bumps and bruises and enjoy the house that I never see! SLDNX: How did your 08-09 season end up? PT: Overall I had a great season. I stayed fairly healthy and accomplished some big things. The most obvious being the 300 footer, pretty stoked on that. It’s been a goal since I started jumping… to jump a football field… and it was awesome to make it happen for Monster Energy, Slednecks , and all of my great sponsors and supporters. It was really good to go to X Games again as well. I was pretty confident coming in that I could medal this year, especially in Speed N Style, but it just wasn’t meant to be. I had some bad luck or really good luck considering I walked away from a couple bad get offs. It’s just more motivation to come back stronger this year. We also had the Monster Energy Slednecks Invasion Tour that found much success, big crowds and great entertainment. I’m definitely looking to get that rolling again next year and hopefully on a bigger scale. SLDNX: Your Slednecks family, so it should be no surprise that you inked a contract extension with us recently and have some cool stuff rolling out. Why don’t you tell everyone what’s up… PT: Yeah, I am pretty stoked on the whole thing really. The most exciting part is we are looking to expand my signature line and start adding some other pieces to it. I’m stoked to get to work with the designers and put my own personal spin on a few items like hoodies and such. I am pretty confident that we can come up with something that the folks out there will dig. SLDNX: Slednecks 12 is coming out in August, what’s the word on your segment? PT: Well, I have been talking with Clay a bit and he seems pretty stoked on my part in the new flick. There will be a lot of lifestyle and behind the scenes this year as well as some solid freestyle and backcountry. I am stoked for folks to get a chance to get to know us as riders with this film. All the film guys rip but I like it when you actually get to see what makes them tick in addition to the hucking. It should be a really good film this year. SLDNX: It’s June, is it finally summer yet in Alaska ? Are you riding and racing moto? PT: Man, I have been treated to an epic summer already. We have had a bunch of 80 degree weather. I actually have a full AK tan right now! Haha. Summer solstice was this past weekend and we had over 22 hours of daylight. It’s crazy really. You go out at night and the suns up and you come out at closing time and the sun is up. It takes a bit to get used to, but overall it’s pretty cool. I have been riding some, just getting into the groove on the bike again. I hadn’t ridden much since last summer so it takes a minute to get back up to speed. It’s coming and so is the fitness. I will ride pretty much everyday for the next month or so.  SLDNX: What does a professional snowmobiler do in the summer months? PT: To be honest, I am not used to being at home this much at one time. But I had a good enough year that I am fortunate to be able to take a little time and enjoy this amazing place I live in. I have been doing some fishing and a little jet skiing. Basically, I’ve been just relaxing a bit. But that time is just about up, I am starting with a trainer here in the next couple weeks and its going to be 100 mph till the snow flies. This upcoming season I have a feeling is going to be a break out year for snowmobiling in general. We have some amazing stuff in the mix and it sounds like a lot of things are going to really happen. Its only June and I’m already looking forward to snow again. Thanks all and keep it rubber side down! PT11 |